Our websites: The Wellington School of Massage Therapy Radiant Health Centre

Ortho-Bionomy Cranial (ORTHOCR-16)

Balance, freedom of movement and the functional relationship of the bones of the cranium are essential to our sense of ease and wellbeing. When the movements of the cranial bones and the subtle fluid and membrane interrelationship are dysfunctional we can experience a whole range of distresses including headaches, jaw pain, equilibrium issues, nervous system disruptions, fatigue, irritability and unresolved traumas. Using the physical and energetic techniques of Ortho-Bionomy we can facilitate the reorganisation of the structures of the cranium and establish new and functional patterns.

In this workshop we begin by reviewing the structures of the cranium and the fluids. Through observation, assessment and interaction we will develop our capacity to more subtly sense the physical and energetic rhythms and movements. Then through practical application of contacts as well as the use of Arthurs spiral techniques we will explore ways to promote the rebalancing of the entire system. We will explore the ways in which we can help our clients access their self-correcting capacity at all levels of their being.

Prerequisites: Phase 4, Phase 5 and Phase 6


Special Offer for Repeat Students
With the exception of Phase 4 Courses, until 5 x Phase 4 Courses have been completed, students will receive a discounted price of $200 (this must be paid by the earlybird date or the discount does not apply). You must mark your registration form - repeat student - and include a copy of your Certificate of Attendance (unless you did your training at WSMT).

Special Offer for Repeat Students
Students repeating the Ortho-Bionomy Cranial Course will qualify for the repeat student price of $425 (this must be paid by the earlybird date or the discount does not apply). You must mark your registration form - repeat student - and include a copy of your Certificate of Attendance (unless you did your training at WSMT).

Module ID: ORTHOCR-16
Course: Ortho-Bionomy
Course Dates

Start Date: 2016-11-28

End Date: 2016-11-30

Mon, Tue, Wed

Times 9am - 6pm


In Hours: 24

Out Hours: 0

Total Hours: 24


Normal Price: $550

Early Bird Price: $525

Early Bird Price Closing Date: 2016-11-18


Minimum Students: 12

Maximum Students: 18

This module is taught as part of the Ortho-Bionomy.