Our websites: The Wellington School of Massage Therapy Radiant Health Centre

Bach Remedies Level 2 (BACH2-20)

This is the advanced Level of training in the Bach Remedy system. It is a practical, interactive Course which focuses on heightening personal awareness and understanding of the 38 Remedies. On this level of training course you will gain a deeper understanding of the Remedies, Dr Bach's Philosophy, and explore Mood and Type Remedies.

Level 2 is only available in-class.

Prerequisite Level 1

Repeat Student Discount - for students who have previously completed the Level 2 Course, and would like to repeat the course, pay just 20% of the full course fee - just $65. This must be paid in full by 21 October. Course materials not included in the discounted price. Registrations essential, with registration form marked Repeat Student.


Module ID: BACH2-20
Course: Bach Remedies
Course Dates

Start Date: 2020-10-31

End Date: 2020-11-01


Times 9am - 5pm


In Hours: 14

Out Hours: 2

Total Hours: 16


Normal Price: $325

Early Bird Price: $310

Early Bird Price Closing Date: 2020-10-21


Minimum Students: 6

Maximum Students: 12

This module is taught as part of the Bach Remedies .