Our websites: The Wellington School of Massage Therapy Radiant Health Centre

Theory of Therapeutic Massage

This Course is a core requirement for the Certificate in Massage & Related Health Therapies, the Diploma in Therapeutic Treatment Massage, Diploma in Advanced Treatment Massage & Related Body Therapies, and the first 4 sessions are required for the Diploma in Kinesiology. The Course is designed to be taken concurrently with the Practise of Treatment Massage Course.

Topics include theoretical aspects of the following:

  • History
  • Legalities
  • Ethics
  • Principles & Protocols
  • Theory of Applied Movements
  • Contraindications
  • Stress & Therapeutic Massage
  • Massage for Special Needs (Elderly, Pregnancy & Infants, Others with Special Needs)
  • Marketing
  • Physiological Effects
  • Soft Tissue Healing
  • Assessment
  • Treatment Planning
  • Sports Massage

Students are expected to do a minimum of 2 to 3 hours preparatory reading/homework for each class session.

Required Text: Mosbys Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage, 4th Ed. Sandy Fritz (included in Course fee)

Course ID: TH
Course Dates:

Next scheduled as an online course. Further details to follow.


In-class Hours: 28

Out of Class Hours: 56