PRAC Course Students from Previous Years
For all students who are overdue with their Practise of Treatment Massage (PRAC) exam from previous years you have until the end of March 2013 to get all your case studies completed and handed in to the School, and organise to sit any required AMSA exams, so your PRAC exam can be arranged for you this year (within 6 months April - Sept 13); an exam fees will apply. We strongly encourage you to get together with your fellow classmates to get your case studies completed and to go over the PRAC exam schedule so you will be fully prepared for the exam.
If you miss the March 2013 deadline and want to complete your PRAC and/or AMSA course(s) you have 2 choices 1. resit the full PRAC or AMSA course(s) this year or next year - a discounted rate of 50% will apply; or 2. complete the full PRAC and/or AMSA course(s) after 2014 - from 2015 full course fees will apply.
Registrations are essential - register online or phone the School.
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